CMS - Affordable Care Act Support

Case Study-1: Intellisoft Empowers CMS with Snowflake Security Data Lake

Post date: Feb 04, 2024 09:13:21 AM

Duration of the Project: 2022 - 2024

Client Overview:

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is a pivotal federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), responsible for administering healthcare programs like Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and health insurance portability standards. With a massive scale of operations covering over 100 million people, CMS faces significant challenges in managing and securing sensitive healthcare data.


CMS encountered several challenges related to security data management:


Intellisoft collaborated with CMS to implement a comprehensive solution leveraging Snowflake as a security data lake:


Intellisoft's collaboration with CMS yielded significant outcomes:


Intellisoft's partnership with CMS in implementing the Snowflake security data lake has transformed the agency's security operations. By addressing data silos, improving efficiency, and providing comprehensive visibility, CMS is better equipped to safeguard sensitive healthcare data and respond effectively to security threats. The collaboration underscores Intellisoft's commitment to empowering organizations with innovative solutions for modern security challenges.

Case Study-2: Empowering Healthcare Innovation with Intellisoft's OpenSSO Implementation

Post date: Feb 22, 2018 10:13:12 AM

Duration of the Project: 2009 - 2018

Client Overview:

The Center for Innovation, established under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), serves as a pioneering force in revitalizing and sustaining crucial healthcare programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Committed to improving the overall healthcare system for all Americans, the Center for Innovation prioritizes goals outlined by the ACA, including enhancing patient care, promoting healthier lifestyles, and reducing healthcare costs.


The Center for Innovation faced multifaceted challenges in achieving the goals set forth by the ACA:


Intellisoft collaborated with the Center for Innovation to implement OpenSSO, a robust solution for web access management, federated single sign-on, and web services security:


Intellisoft's implementation of OpenSSO yielded significant benefits for the Center for Innovation:


Intellisoft's implementation of OpenSSO empowered the Center for Innovation to advance its mission of revitalizing and sustaining healthcare programs under the ACA. By providing secure access control, seamless authentication, and enhanced data security, Intellisoft enabled the Center for Innovation to drive innovation, improve patient care, and reduce healthcare costs. The collaboration underscores Intellisoft's commitment to leveraging technology to address complex challenges in the healthcare industry and improve healthcare outcomes for all Americans.